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Yahoo! Auction
About Yahoo! Auction
Steps to Download the Yahoo! Auction app
Download the Yahoo! Auction app using the provided link.
After installing the app, launch it to access the welcome screen. You can log in with an existing Yahoo! Auction account or create a new one with ease.
Once you've logged in, customize your profile by adding a profile picture and entering your personal information. Consider it a friendly introduction to the app.
Begin exploring auctions by navigating the homepage, where you'll find a range of categories. Select one that interests you and begin scrolling through the listings—it's a digital treasure hunt!
If you've set your sights on an item, simply tap on it and submit your bid. The app will continuously inform you about the auction status, ensuring you stay in the loop.
After successfully winning an auction, navigate to the 'My Auctions' area to complete your purchase. The payment process is simple and safe, ensuring your newly acquired item will soon be en route to you. Enjoy your bidding experience!
Yahoo! Auction